The agritourism “ Campagna in compagnia” is situated in the ancient village of “Meggiano Vallo di Nera (Perugia) at 700 metres high. Sourrended by an unspoilt nature, by the way, it is near the most famous and suggestive localities of the Umbrian region (in the green area of Nerina valley”) like Spoleto, Norcia, Cascia, Assisi, Marmore waterfalls and other interesting and beautiful places like Bevagna, Vallo di Nera, Montefalco, Monteleone di Spoleto (where the “biga etrusca” has been found, now exhibited at the museum of New York) Spello, the sources of Clitunno, Trevi, the ancient castle of Postignano and finally Scheggino where it is possible to practice rafting for all ages).
All of them are caractherized by medioeval vilages full of histories and traditions today still alive in the memories of its habitants. There are so many fish festivals realiated to historic and religious events.
Our family-run estate, is based on a warm hospitality thanks to which, our guests can feel here like home.
There is also a common sense of sharing also extended to the biologic products of the farm: guests can avail of the fruits and vegetables of our garden and can taste splelt and lentil produced on the hills that frame the village.
Gourmets can collect the land snails of our breeding but don’t forget that we find in the “homeland” of the precious truffle of Norcia!